Tips for Saving on Your Heating Bills in Winter

On average, your heating system is responsible for 40% of the energy you consume in your home. You can reduce your utility bills by addressing energy usage by your system. Here are the top tips for saving money on your heating system in the winter.

Address Insulation Problems and Air Leaks
Insulation can boost your home’s comfort and reduce your energy bill. Without insulation, the wall or ceiling will conduct heat to adjacent rooms.

You also require the correct grade of insulation for different parts of your home and your climate. For example, EPA recommends R-values between R30 and R60 for houses in Jacksonville. For the attic, the R-value is between R25 and R38.

The R-value is an indication of the material’s resistance to thermal energy. Without the correct insulation grade, you could be losing up to 50% of the heat from your system. An upgrade of the insulation can reduce your heating bills and extend the life of your equipment.

The type of insulation you need will depend on the availability of space in that room. Fiberglass may require multiple layers to attain the desired R-value. Spray foam, which has a higher insulation rating, is more suitable for smaller rooms with a shortage of space.

An energy audit can help spot areas of your home that have insulation deficiencies or leaks. Leaks around doors or windows can let the air out, leading to high utility bills. You can talk to Reliable Ducts Heating & Cooling in Jacksonville for dependable heating solutions.

Take Advantage of Natural Lighting and Heating
You can manage your heating bills by taking advantage of the energy from the sun. During the day, you can open the windows to let sunlight heat the room. If the day is sunny, keep the blinds, shades, and curtains open.

At night, close the curtains or shades as soon as the sunsets. That way, you’ll be trapping the warm air and, in the process, reduce your heating bills.

You can use heavy curtains, especially if you have air leaks around the window. It can be a temporary solution before you can seal the gaps around windows and doors.

Using ceiling fans in reverse can facilitate the distribution of air around the house. As the fan moves in the counterclockwise direction, it pulls air upwards. You can push a switch at the base of the fan to force it to run in reverse. When you stand beneath it, the draft should be blowing down on you.

You may also want to reconsider the furniture arrangement. Bookshelves and couches could be limiting the airflow and, in turn, forcing your system to overwork. Leave some clearance around the vents to allow air to flow freely in and out of the room.

Lower Thermostat Settings or Use a Programmable Device
According to the Department of Energy, you can save up to 10% of the heating costs by lowering your thermostat. The agency recommends turning down the temperatures by between 7 to 8 degrees for eight hours a day.

You can set different temperatures when you are home during the day and at night while you sleep. For example, the setting when you are awake can be 68 degrees and 60 degrees at night. The colder interiors are more suitable for sleeping, as too much warmth can interrupt your sleep.

You may also reduce temperatures during the cold season when you are away on vacation. Turning down the system can reduce the energy consumption of your home.

However, it is not always a good idea to switch off your systems completely. Heating is necessary to prevent your plumbing from freezing. Additionally, any pets you have will need temperatures close to your regular setting to keep them warm.

When you want to save energy while away, one of the best options is to use a programmable thermostat. You can easily set the system to heat your home half an hour before you return home. When you step through the door, the room will be cozy.

A programmable thermostat has other convenient features to boost your comfort. You can check on your system while on vacation. Some devices can send you a report of your monthly energy consumption. Our technicians at Reliable Heating & Ducts can work with you to find a device suitable for your system.

Consider Zoning for Unused Rooms in Your Home
One way to save energy is to close off any unused areas of your home. If those rooms are always unoccupied, heating them will only waste energy. Ensure the door is closed to trap the heat inside the room.

However, it is not advisable to close off the vents. Air can accumulate and can increase the pressure in the ductwork. Eventually, the air may leak into the unconditioned areas of your home. Your heating system may cycle on and off, trying to keep up with the demands of your home.

Additionally, the design of vents and ductwork is tailored to fit the needs of the building. As a result, components of your furnace may overheat. Your equipment will cycle on and off and will deteriorate faster as a result.

Zoning is the most effective way to lower your utility bills if you have unoccupied rooms. It involves using multiple indoor air handlers connected to an outdoor unit. Heating depends on the needs of each room.

Zoning optimizes comfort in your home by addressing varying temperature needs. It also ensures that all rooms are heated to prevent pipes running behind the wall from freezing.

By zoning parts of the house, you can increase the longevity of the system. Since it only runs when it is necessary, it reduces the rate of deterioration of your equipment. It also strikes a balance between energy consumption and comfort. You can talk to Reliable Ducts Heating & Cooling staff to explore your options in Jacksonville.

Keep Your Furnace Efficient with a Tune-up
The average life of a furnace is between 16 and 20 years. As it starts to age, your system may develop issues such as ignition problems or frequent cycling. A malfunctioning unit works hard to keep the interior warm in winter. As a result, the faulty components will draw more energy in the process.

If your furnace is faulty, a timely repair service will prevent further complications. Ideally, you ought to stick to your annual maintenance routine. Experienced technicians can find fault during the service and replace parts to restore the system’s efficiency.

The frequency of the maintenance service will depend on how often you use the system and the equipment. Once a year is sufficient for a forced-air system. Heat pumps should be services at least once every six months. Busy homes with pets and multiple occupants can schedule a tune-up twice a year for the best results.

If you need trusted heating repair and installation services in Jacksonville, don’t hesitate to call Reliable Ducts Heating & Cooling. We offer a wide range of solutions from indoor air quality to duct cleaning and heat pumps. When you call on our team, you can expect personalized solutions designed to meet your specific needs. For your peace of mind, we offer a 100% guarantee for the service we provide. You can call Reliable Ducts Heating & Cooling’s trusted team today for trusted services in Jacksonville.

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Don’t Make These Summer Cooling Mistakes

Most people are looking for ways to get the most out of every dollar and make good decisions about home cooling costs. When you’re looking for ways to cut down on your air conditioner costs, you might turn to friends, family, and neighbors to learn more tricks that could save you a few dollars here or there. But the sad fact is that there are a lot of myths floating around that could end up costing you more than what is necessary. We would like to take some time and help you sort through the misnomers to find better strategies for saving on cooling costs this summer.

Turning Your Air Conditioner Totally Off Only Saves in the Short Term
One of the biggest misconceptions people have about saving on cooling costs is how much it takes to cool a house down from a very high temperature. Lots of people completely turn their air conditioners off when they go to work and come home to an extremely hothouse. Then, they turn the air conditioner back on to cool the temperature down. This seems like a reasonable strategy for cutting costs because you don’t have to pay to keep your house cool when you’re away at work.

However, the amount of energy that your air conditioner has to expend to get it back down to a comfortable temperature is enough to offset any gains you made by turning the air conditioner off all day. To top it off, you have to spend even more on the price of electricity if you’re coming home at a peak time of day. The much better option is to turn your temperature up somewhat higher than what you would set it to if you were at home. This is a good way to save some money rather than paying for cool air that you won’t be around to enjoy. Also, it takes your AC unit longer to cool down your home after it has been off all-day

Closing Doors and Vents to Rooms You Don’t Use Isn’t Actually Helping
You should also be careful about the misnomer about closing the vents and doors to rooms that you’re not using to save on energy costs. This, again, sounds like a genius idea, but the reality is that your HVAC system was set up to work with the entire house. When you close doors and vents, what you end up doing is stopping free airflow throughout the house. This will force your air conditioner to work even harder than it would normally, which will cost more energy and money in the long run.

It Turns Out That Appliances and Electronics Add a Lot of Extra Heat
When you want to cut down on the heat in your home, you should avoid using too many appliances and electronics when it’s hot outside. It’s a myth that things like television sets, clothes dryers, and other household items don’t put out enough energy to matter. The reality is that even a curling iron that’s turned on can often heat up a small bathroom. When you multiply the number of televisions, computers, stereo systems, refrigerators, dishwashers, clothes dryers, and any other appliances that put out energy together, you have a lot of extra heat.

While you obviously can’t unplug your refrigerator and freezer, there are several other steps that you can take to cut down on the amount of heat that various things in your house are producing. For instance, the clothes dryer and dishwasher are two items that put out a lot of heat, but you can use them in the early morning hours when it’s not as hot outside, or you could turn them on before you leave for a few hours so that you don’t have to be around when it’s hot inside. When it comes to cooking with the oven or stovetop, skip it. Either use the barbecue outside or make a meal you can either heat up in the microwave. Or, better yet, make a cold-cut sandwich.

Don’t Fool Yourself Into Thinking That a Lower Thermostat Setting Will Cool Off the House Faster
This might be people’s wishful thinking when they’re frustrated because of the heat, but it’s actually somewhat common for people to turn their thermostats way down to a very cold temperature in an effort to get the house to cool off faster. The reality is that your air conditioner cools off the house at the same rate regardless of whether you set the thermostat to 50 degrees or to 72 degrees. When you turn the thermostat to 50 degrees, you just have to remember to manually turn the air conditioner off.

A better plan of attack is to not let your house get so hot that you have the urge to have it instantly cold. Otherwise, you could have your air conditioner set to turn on about half an hour before you get home so that you can come home to a house that’s already at a pleasant temperature.

Bigger Is Only Better With Some Things
Bigger might be better to some people when it comes to appliances, but it’s just not the case when it comes to air conditioners, which require that you buy the correct size for the square footage of your house. When you buy an air conditioner that’s too big for your space, the air cools too quickly. That might sound like a nice problem to have, but when the air cools down too quickly, the air conditioner shuts off, and it doesn’t have time to pull all of the moisture out of the air. This leaves the house feeling cool but clammy, and most people don’t like this effect. A better option is to buy the right size air conditioner for the size house that you own.

Don’t Think That Doors and Windows Are Your Biggest Problem
It might seem like the majority of the heat that leaks into the house would be around the windows and doors. You may have always been told how important it is to have enough sealings around the edges to keep the house cool and free of humidity. However, you’re going to be surprised to learn that the walls are actually a much larger source of heat transfer than anywhere else in the house. You have pipes and electrical outlets in the house, and if your home is made of wood, there’s a very good chance that you’re losing quite a bit of heat. Brick homes tend to fare better because brick can insulate better than wood. But if you want to cut down on the amount of heat transfer between the inside of your house and the outside, have a professional inspect your home to find all of the key places where you could insulate.

When it’s time to find some ways of getting the best out of your air conditioner, find tips and excellent customer service for your air conditioner and furnace at Reliable Ducts in Jacksonville, FL. We also offer air quality solutions, too.

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How To Make the Best Use of Your Air Conditioning

Your air conditioner is one of the most important appliances you have at home, especially during sweltering summertime temperatures. And while operating an AC unit seems very simple and straightforward, most homeowners and business owners tend to run theirs inefficiently. Whether it is constantly changing the thermostat settings or placing the compressor unit of their AC in direct sunlight, these habits and decisions not only lead to higher monthly utility bills but also higher AC upkeep costs. To help you run your AC unit more efficiently, here are 12 tips to follow:

1. Avoid Touching Your Thermostat
Adjusting your thermostat to speed up the process of cooling your home is one of the most common fallacies of AC unit operation. Most people are good about maintaining the AC at the recommended 78 degrees. Others might set the temperature higher when the space is unused or lower when temperatures are especially high. Playing around with your thermostat’s setting won’t help with either the rate of cooling or energy consumption. Set your thermostat to the recommended temperature and walk away.

2. Use a Programmable Thermostat
Your AC unit should not be operating during the coolest hours of the day or when nobody’s home. It is unnecessary and adds to your monthly utility bill. In some cases, you might forget to switch it off. It is an honest but costly mistake that can be avoided through the use of a programmable thermostat. With a programmable thermostat, your AC unit can be scheduled to kick on a few minutes before you get home from school or work. This makes sure that you walk into a cool and relaxing haven while also helping you cut down on energy usage.

3. Use Auto Mode
There are two settings on your thermostat that control the air conditioner’s fan: “Auto” and “On.” While there are some benefits to using the “On” setting, opting for the “Auto” setting is typically the better choice. With the fan in Auto mode, air will only blow until the thermostat reaches the desired temperature, and then it will shut off until the next cycle. In addition to reducing the amount of time that the fan is working, the Auto setting also supports better dehumidification by giving moisture from cold cooling coils the time it needs to drip and be drained to the outside. When your AC’s fan is continually running, moisture doesn’t have the chance to drip outside and is instead blown back into the home where it adds to indoor humidity levels.

4. Use a Dehumidifier
During hot days, it is often the humidity that makes the atmosphere unbearable. In addition to cooling your home with your AC, invest in a good dehumidifier to remove the humidity from your home. Some higher-end AC units will have a dehumidifying mode, so you may not have to purchase a separate appliance.

5. Clean or Replace Your AC’s Filters
Your AC’s filters are one of the most important components of the whole system. For reusable filters, experts recommend that you clean them at least once every month and replace them annually. For quick and efficient cleaning, simply vacuum the filter or rinse the filters off with warm soapy water. Disposable filters should typically be replaced every three months.

6. Clean Your AC Fins
Your air conditioner’s fins are the grille-like siding found at the exterior portion of the unit. Similar to filters, the fins help direct airflow. Clogged or bent fins can result in inefficient heat dispersion. Clean the fins using a soft brush such as a toothbrush, or use a fin comb. The latter is a special device to clean and realign bent fins.

7. Clean Your Vents
If you have an air-to-air heat pump unit, you’ll want to regularly check and maintain the vents for efficient cooling. Vents that are blocked by dirt and debris or have structural damage can affect airflow and your AC’s ability to get rid of hot air. If you do not wish to regularly maintain your AC’s vents, consider switching to a ductless system. Each type of heat pump has its own pros and cons that you will want to talk about with a qualified HVAC technician.

8. Use Blinds
Of course, we all know that natural light can be great for lowering your lighting costs by keeping rooms well-lit without having to use electricity. In terms of temperature regulation, however, natural light can account for roughly 25% of the heat indoors. Keep the blinds and curtains closed in empty rooms, especially during the day and in rooms that are facing east or west.

9. Use Fans
During the cooler hours of the day, such as nighttime when the heat starts to taper off, you can turn your thermostat up a few degrees and use ceiling or tower fans instead of the AC to cool your home. The energy consumed by fans is significantly lower than that of an AC unit, especially for older AC units that are not ENERGY STAR-certified. You can also use fans in a support capacity to help your AC unit move cold air around larger spaces.

10. Eliminate Hot Air
Exhaust fans are commonly found in bathrooms and kitchen spaces. You can use them to expel hot air from the premises. In addition to hot air coming from outside, certain domestic activities, including running your washer, dryer or dishwasher, can generate heat that lingers inside your home. Cooking is another common activity that generates a significant amount of heat. If your home does not have an exhaust fan, you can use a tower fan in the kitchen while you cook.

11. Avoid Cooking or Washing at Noon
Perhaps the easiest way to eliminate hot air generated by the domestic activities listed above is to reschedule them to the cooler hours of the day. Put off dishwashing or cooking until at least late afternoon or early morning the next day. Roasting a whole chicken in a 400-degree oven while it is a sunny 90 degrees outside forces your AC unit to work harder to cool the place down.

12. Keep Your AC Unit Out of Direct Sunlight
The recommended location of a central AC unit is on the north section of your property. Unfortunately, this isn’t always an available option. You can instead make use of landscaping techniques to provide cover for your AC’s compressor unit. Not only does it give your AC unit some shade, but planting shrubs and trees around your home also helps cool your home naturally.

Get Help From the Professionals
These tips can help improve how efficiently you run your air conditioner all year long. If you want to further improve your unit’s efficiency, consult one of our certified and insured HVAC technicians at Reliable Ducts Heating and Cooling.

We have been serving Jacksonville, FL, and the surrounding neighborhoods for years now. We offer a full range of both heating and cooling services, including installation, repair and maintenance. We also offer affordable air quality solutions such as duct cleaning and UV air purifiers to help your family live a healthier life. To find out more about how we can help you, contact us today.

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How To Reset Air Conditioning Unit

The worst thing that can happen to any homeowner is the breakdown of their air conditioning unit in the middle of summer, especially when you are not financially prepared. Learning how to reset your AC will help you reboot it to correct glitches. Note that ACs contain a protection circuit breaker meant to prevent fire and explosion. In case of a blackout, your unit may fail to kick on immediately once power gets restored. In such a case, you need to reboot the system to restore its functionality. Also, if you set your AC to cool but it fails to blow in cool air, rebooting can sometimes help fix such an issue. Here are some ways you can reset your AC.

1. Use the Reset Button
The easiest way to reset an AC is by using the reset button. Most units have one, usually a small red button located on or around the AC body. It’s tiny to prevent it from being accidentally activated. If you can’t find it, read through the manufacturer’s manual, or do a quick online search for your brand. Once you find the button, long-press it for around three seconds, and observe whether your AC responds. If it doesn’t, check if there is power, then press the reset button once again for three more seconds. The AC should respond by beeping three times before it kicks on. If you don’t find the reset button, you may want to try another method.

2. Reset the AC Via the Power Point
If your unit doesn’t have a reset button, you will need to reboot it manually. However, this might take longer for your system to get back to work. Locate the power point. For a portable, window, or wall split system, it’s usually at the indoor unit. First, turn the power off for safety purposes. Next, remove the power cord from the electrical panel to ensure that the AC isn’t receiving any power. Leave it disconnected for about 20 to 30 minutes to allow all the charge to dissipate.

Once the time elapses, plug the AC to back to power, turn it on and see how it functions. If it still fails to work, unplug it again and plug in another appliance to the power point. If the device works, then the power point isn’t faulty, so try out another restarting method. However, if the device doesn’t work, then the power point has a problem, and you need to call a technician to fix it.

3. Use the Isolation Switch
Look for the isolation switch located by the outdoor unit. It has a shape similar to an inverted letter V with an on and off position. For older models, the isolation switch might be near the indoor unit. It looks like an ordinary light switch, so you will need to confirm this from the manufacturer’s manual. The primary role of the isolator is to disconnect the power supply to the unit when it detects unusual electric currents to reduce the risk of electrical problems.

Turn the isolator to the off position, then leave it for about 30 minutes. This is to allow the AC to reset and troubleshoot mechanical issues. After 30 minutes, turn the isolator on, switch on the AC and observe if it’s working as expected. If it still doesn’t work, you can try out the next method.

4. Reset the AC Via the Circuit Breaker
First, turn the AC’s thermostat to the off position, look for the shut-off button located on the unit and turn it off for safety purposes. Now find the circuit breaker box, usually in the basement, crawl spaces, or closet. Open the switchboard’s door to gain access. Your circuit breaker should have clear labels of each item on the circuit control, so look at it carefully. Look for the breaker linked to your AC and flip it to the off position. Wait for about 30 minutes, then turn the circuit breaker back on.

Note that some models have fuses. Once you open the switchboard door, you might need to remove a second cover to access the fuse. To reset the AC, pull out the fuse and fit it back after some time. Replace a damaged fuse with a new one, but if it’s still in working condition, you can refit it. Once you reinstall the fuse or turn the safety switch back on, set the thermostat to cool, turn your AC on, wait for it to cool, and observe whether it’s working well.

5. Seek Professional Assistance
After trying out all the solutions above and your AC still fails to restart, check if there is a power supply, and then call a professional to troubleshoot and fix the issue. Also, if your AC completely stops working after restarting it, have a professional examine it. You should never attempt to reboot the AC if it frequently malfunctions. This indicates the presence of an underlying issue that needs professional assessment.

If your AC cools your house slowly and it’s old, you don’t need to restart it. Instead, call a technician to service it, and if it still doesn’t work as expected, it might be time to replace it.

Additionally, if the breaker keeps tripping and you need to restart your AC multiple times, there is an issue that needs immediate attention. Continuing to run the AC at such a state will cause more damage to the interior components calling for expensive repairs and replacements.

You should never attempt to restart the AC if the switchboard panel has exposed wires. This will only put your safety and that of your loved ones at risk. Exposed wires can cause shock, electrocution, and even a fire breakout. Also, if you restart the unit, you might end up causing permanent damage, and you will replace the AC sooner than expected. In such a case, call a qualified technician immediately to address the issue.

Are You Having Trouble Restarting Your AC? Seek Professional Help
When your unit stops working, you shouldn’t just rush to call a technician while you can try resolving the issue by simply resetting. Restarting your AC can help solve minor mechanical problems and get your unit back to work. However, resetting your AC isn’t always the solution. If the above tricks don’t work, you could be dealing with a clogged air filter, low refrigerant level, frozen evaporator coils, fan problems, or leaking duct. In such a case, you need to call a professional to check the root of the problem. Regular AC maintenance will also help prevent such issues. During tune-ups, the technician will change or clean the filters, clean and inspect the coils, lubricate the moving parts, recharge the refrigerant and fix any loose electrical connections to ensure that the AC runs smoothly. They can also easily detect minor problems and resolve them before they escalate into significant issues.

If you have any questions concerning restarting your AC, get in touch with Reliable Ducts Heating & Cooling. We offer AC and heating systems installation, repair, and replacement services. We also deal with humidity control, duct cleaning, ventilation testing, duct repairs, and new construction services in Jacksonville, FL, and the nearby areas. Call our friendly team now to schedule an appointment.

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Does Humidity Affect My Air Conditioner?

High levels of humidity indoors are not only uncomfortable but can damage valuables in your home. Additionally, high moisture levels will impact your air conditioner’s ability to regulate temperatures. In regions where it is hot and humid, your AC will struggle to maintain comfort. This article will explore the different ways humidity affects your AC and some practical solutions for addressing humidity levels.

How Humidity Levels Affects Comfort and AC Efficiency
The primary role of an air conditioner is to draw out hot, stuffy air and replace it with cold and fresh draught. But your HVAC unit has another function, which is to regulate humidity and keep the levels low. When the humidity level rises dramatically, most systems cannot handle the excess moisture in the interior.

Even when the AC is at its optimum performance, considerable amounts of vapor can affect its function. When it’s humid, the air feels hotter and muggier than it is. As a result, there is a temptation to turn up the air conditioning to raise the comfort levels in your home.

The ideal humidity levels are typically between 30% and 60%. Above 60%, and the atmosphere is moist and damp. The concentration of vapor can be high enough that your skin starts to feel clammy. Another critical sign is a musty or pungent smell coming from parts of your home. It is an indication that microbial growth is beginning to spread due to excess moisture.

When humidity is below 30%, it can also have adverse effects on your valuables, health, and comfort. It can cause itching and skin irritation. Additionally, dry air damages valuables made of wood, forcing them to crack and weaken. For optimum comfort, the challenge is to keep humidity levels between 30% and 60%. In such situations, we recommend using a humidifier.

Humidity Levels and AC Sizing Factors
It is a myth that you need a high-capacity air conditioner to keep your home cozy through the summer. Accurate sizing is crucial for optimizing the efficiency of your unit. An oversize system will not only raise your utility bills but will also affect your home’s comfort.

When AC is oversize, it will cycle at a frequency higher than a regular cooling system. It will keep switching on and off to prevent overcooling the room. As such, your equipment does not run enough to remove excess moisture from your home’s interior.

For that reason, it is essential to have an HVAC system that is the correct size of the interior. It will also be challenging for an undersize or aging cooling unit to keep humidity levels in check.

Ventilation System Design and Impact on Humidity
Another factor that can impact humidity levels is the type of air conditioner you use in your home. A single-speed air conditioner will have the same effect as an oversize HVAC unit. It will keep running until it reaches the desired temperature levels and then switches off until temperatures rise again.

A variable-speed motor can run at varying speeds, as the name suggests. With variable speed systems, the temperature regulation is gradual and slower. Your equipment has a better chance of removing humidity in the air than a conventional single-speed AC.

A variable-speed AC unit works best when you pair it with Smart systems. You can change the settings of a programmable thermostat to ensure temperature regulation is accurate. Not only will you be reducing your equipment’s energy consumption, but also manage the levels of moisture in the building.

Poor ventilation design allows negative air pressure to accumulate inside the ductwork. The AC draws too much air into the ducts, creating negative pressure. When the air is very moist outside, it will pull the vapor into the interior, raising humidity levels.

Maintaining Healthy Humidity Levels
When indoor moisture levels are high, your body struggles to remain cool. That is because vapor makes it harder for sweat on your skin to evaporate. It is the evaporation process that absorbs heat from your body. As a result, you have a higher risk of heatstroke due to high humidity levels.

Indoor moisture levels can be higher than in the outdoors. That is often due to air finding its way into your home through crawlspaces or openings on the wall. Activities taking place in your home can also raise the humidity to unhealthy levels. You can optimize home comfort by doing some tasks outdoors or taking practical precautions.

Showering, cooking, and hanging clothes to hang outside are some activities that could raise moisture levels. If you must carry out these tasks indoors, consider using an exhaust fan. Exhaust fans are used in bathrooms and kitchens or rooms where humidity is likely to be a problem.

Another way to control moisture is to encourage circulation around the house. Leave doors between rooms open to allow movement of air across spaces. That way, heat moves to cold surfaces preventing condensation and the accumulation of moisture.

Moisture Problems and Weatherization
Moisture issues tend to vary depending on your location and climate. In Florida, the air is often hot and humid, as opposed to hot and dry, in the southwest regions. The solutions to these humidity problems must consider the climates and their implications.

For example, using a single-speed or oversize air conditioner could worsen the moisture problems in places like Florida. You will be tempted to raise the thermostat settings to keep your home cooler. But you’ll only overwork your AC and increase energy consumption.

The design of your cooling system is, therefore, most crucial in maintaining healthy humidity levels. At Reliable Ducts Heating & Cooling, we offer exceptional air quality services in Jacksonville. Our acclaimed team can carry out ventilation testing and duct cleaning. Our humidity control solutions will keep your Jacksonville home cozy even in extreme weather.

When to Use Dehumidifiers
When it is hot and muggy in Florida, you can reduce moisture levels by using a dehumidifier. A dehumidifier removes moisture from the indoors, preventing microbial growth and musty odors. You can use it when you experience discomfort, but how you utilize it will impact energy savings.

The best time to run the dehumidification system is before humidity accumulates in the house. If moisture accumulates, occupants will feel like the interior is hotter than it is. So you can run it as soon as you notice humidity levels rising.

Ideally, the dehumidifier should run for about 12 hours a day when moisture levels are in the upper range. Home comfort specialists consider that to be the best way to eliminate humidity at optimum energy efficiency.

The high levels of humidity in your home could also be from indoor activities. In such situations, it is advisable to determine the precise moisture levels using a hygrometer. Reliable Ducts Heating & Cooling will be glad to assess your Jacksonville home for humidity and energy efficiency.

We provide indoor air quality solutions such as ventilation testing, duct cleaning, UV light, and humidity control. As a family-owned company, we have a reputation for offering customer-focused services. Our range of services includes AC installation, maintenance, and repairs. Our services come with a 100% guarantee. You can count on Reliable Ducts Heating & Cooling for unbeatable solutions in Jacksonville.

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Why Is My Air Conditioner Making Noises?

Most people love to spend time in a cool air-conditioned house when summer hits. However, when the AC unit starts making some strange noises, it could make your home less comfortable. Ignoring such signs can cause major issues in your cooling system, resulting in expensive future repairs. The sooner you can spot the cause of the noises and fix it, the better. Beware of the following noises from your air conditioner.

1. Banging or Clanging Noises

Any time you hear clanging sounds from the outdoor unit, it means that something is disrupting the fan’s operations. It could also be a sign that the AC unit has some broken components. Due to normal wear and tear, various compressor parts may become loose, creating loud banging sounds. Unfortunately, you might need to get a new compressor.

Other times the blower motor can get out of balance, hitting other components. Such issues can worsen when ignored, so immediately turn off the system and call a professional to check the issue before it damages other parts.

2. High-Pitch Screeching or Screaming Noise

If your AC unit produces loud screaming or screeching noises, it could be having issues with the compressor or fan motor. If the unit kicks on and you immediately hear the noises, the compressor is likely operating at very high pressure. In this case, you need to shut off your system and immediately call a professional. You might need to replace the compressor or the entire appliance. On the other hand, if the noise is present the entire time while running the air conditioner, you could have a loose fan motor. Again, contact an experienced HVAC technician to replace it.

3. Rattling Noises

Rattling sounds indicate a problem with the blower or assembly motor. This happens when a part of the assembly motor or blower becomes loose and begins to toss around inside the outdoor condenser unit. Turn off the power, and then inspect the condenser unit for any loose parts you can fasten. Additionally, your AC unit may produce rattling noises when clogged with twigs or leaves. Clean the area around the outdoor unit.

4. Unusual Hissing or Bubbling Noise

Hissing sounds from the indoor unit are signs of a refrigerant leak. During normal operation, the refrigerant runs in a closed loop. When these capillary tubes corrode or wear off, they create holes where the refrigerant escapes at a high pressure, producing hissing sounds.

Shut off the system immediately and call a professional. Note that a refrigerant leak can reduce the system’s efficiency and cause some health risks to your family.

If the hissing sounds come from above the ceiling or under the floor, it could be due to leaky ductwork. This will not only cause annoying noises but also waste energy. Depending on where the leak is, you can fix it yourself using duct tape, or you may seek professional assistance.

5. Loud Humming Sounds

A neglected fan can cause humming sounds. Your air conditioner requires constant maintenance to clean its components and keep them in working conditions. If one of the blades in the fan motor bends, it can also cause humming sounds. Sometimes it’s due to electrical problems that need immediate attention. Other times the AC unit produces humming noises due to loose wiring.

6. Loud Clicking Sound

A consistent clicking sound signifies a defective thermostat, contractor, or controls. It’s a good idea that you leave electrical issues to professionals. You can sometimes hear loud clicking noises when an object finds its way into the blower fan, so it continuously hits against the fan as it runs.

7. Buzzing Noise From the Outdoor Unit

A buzzing sound from your air conditioner means that you could be having electrical issues. It mainly happens due to loose wiring or issues with the fan motor or circuit breaker. For the circuit breaker, the cause of the problem is usually dirty air filters or debris around the unit. Although it might seem like a simple issue to fix, electrical problems are hazardous and require a professional approach.

Other causes of buzzing noises include a dirty condenser coil, an imbalanced blower, a loose outdoor fan motor, copper lines rubbing against obstacles, and refrigerant leaks.

8. Unusual Whirring Sounds

Whirring sounds in an air conditioner usually appear due to mechanical problems in the indoor or outdoor fans. When the fan blades become loose, they produce some helicopter-like whirring sounds. The noises may also result from broken belts, and you need to call a professional to assist you with this.

Additionally, this can happen when a piece of paper or other debris gets trapped in the blower motor, causing rapid whirling sounds. If you can, remove the obstruction. Be sure to also keep the area around the unit tidy and discourage your kids from playing too close to it.

9. Pulsating Noises From the Outdoor Unit

A little pulsing noise from your air conditioner shouldn’t raise concerns since this happens with the unit’s normal operations. However, if the outdoor unit makes excessive pulsating sounds, such that you can hear them inside the house, you need to have the unit inspected. It’s a sign that there’s a loose part inside the appliance, like the fan motor, which may need replacement.

Other times this happens when the refrigerant line comes into contact with walls as it passes through. Contact a professional to move the refrigerant lines away from the walls and add insulation to stop the pulsing.

10. Whistling Noises

Whining or whistling noises from your AC unit signifies problems with airflow. It can happen if the ductwork is incompatible with your HVAC unit. Also, if the ductwork is too narrow for the air blowing through the appliance, it can cause whining sounds. This can happen when you have cracked ducts or clogged filters too. You can resolve this by cleaning or changing the filter, or you can call a professional to seal the ductwork.

Additionally, if you have an older unit with multiple repairs or replacements, it can produce whistling sounds if the parts fail to fit correctly.

11. Cracking or Popping Noises

If you notice constant cracking noises from your air conditioner, ice could be forming inside your unit. This happens when you set the temperature too low or when the system fails to drain appropriately. You can resolve this by setting your thermostat to a higher temperature. If the sounds persist, have a professional technician assess the issue. Additionally, pull out the drain pan, empty it, and clean it to prevent backup of cold water that can freeze in the air conditioner.

Summing Up

Investigate the cause of noises in your AC unit before calling a technician, as you may be able to resolve some issues with simple adjustments. If the problem persists or involves complex tasks like electrical faults or compressor replacement, contact a professional. Note that regular air conditioning maintenance can help prevent noise occurrence. An HVAC technician can identify problems early on and fix them to eliminate disturbing noises.

If you experience any noises with your AC unit, reach out to Reliable Ducts Heating & Cooling. We offer a range of services, including heating and air conditioning installation, replacement, and maintenance. Our company also deals with duct cleaning, duct repairs, ventilation testing, and humidity control services. We serve Jacksonville, FL, and the surrounding regions. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

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How Often Should You Get HVAC Maintenance?

When the weather is a little too much to bear, most people seek relief from their air conditioning and heating systems. However, as your HVAC unit runs, it can accumulate dirt in areas like the filters or condensing coils, which affects its efficiency. It is therefore essential that you have your unit serviced regularly.

The best time to schedule HVAC maintenance is just before summer or winter. Have the heating system serviced during the fall season and the air conditioner in the spring. HVAC technicians are less likely to be on emergency calls at such periods, and they will be able to service your unit at your convenience.

The technician will fix any form of damage right away to prepare the HVAC system to handle your cooling or heating requirements. Here are the benefits of having a professional perform regular maintenance on your HVAC unit.

1. Improved Comfort

The main reason for installing an HVAC system at home is to maintain comfortable indoor conditions no matter the season. However, malfunctioning HVAC components can hinder your unit from meeting the desired temperature requirement set on the thermostat.

If you ignore regular maintenance, after a while, you might begin to note that some rooms appear chilly during the winter or extremely hot in the summer. Regular maintenance helps your unit distribute warm or cool air evenly. Some simple tasks like cleaning your ductwork or air filter allow steady airflow to eliminate chances of hot or cold spots in your house.

2. You Will Save More Money

It is worth noting that a neglected HVAC unit can work around 20 times harder to produce a similar amount of cooling or heating with a well-maintained system. During maintenance, a technician can unclog any blocked part of the unit that could be restricting airflow. This helps lower the level of stress on your unit’s components, reducing chances of wear and tear.

Regular tune-ups also keep your system in peak operating condition, so it expends less energy, thereby lowering your utility bills. Additionally, it is worth noting that most manufacturers will request maintenance proof if you submit a repair claim under warranty. So, investing in regular maintenance keeps you insured, and you can file your claims with ease since you already have evidence of care. Remember that most HVAC components are relatively expensive, so investing in regular maintenance will save you a lot of money should anything go wrong.

3. Fewer System Breakdowns

It is very frustrating to have a faulty HVAC unit in the middle of the summer or winter. With regular maintenance, you minimize the chances of your system breaking down when you least expect. Tune-ups, therefore, make your unit more reliable to avoid inconveniences.

4. It Extends Your Unit’s Lifespan

If your HVAC runs continually, it gradually begins to wear and may eventually shut down. Yet, when you have a clean, well-repaired, and lubricated unit, the parts move freely, and the unrestricted airflow ensures more years of optimum performance. Keep in mind that the better you maintain your HVAC unit, the longer it will last.

Routine maintenance will prolong your HVAC unit’s operating lifespan and extend the time between replacements. A properly maintained air conditioner can last between 12 and 15 years, while a furnace can operate for up to 20 years. When neglected, you will need to replace some components or the entire unit sooner.

5. It Keeps Your Home Safer

The main reason why you should opt for regular HVAC maintenance is to keep your house and its occupants safe. Routine tune-ups can help uncover some safety issues in your unit that could endanger your family members. For instance, a technician can spot a leak on the heat exchanger that can allow carbon monoxide gas to seep into your house. It is a colorless, odorless gas that can quickly kill, and only experienced personnel can detect it.

The technician can also check for any electrical faults that could otherwise cause hazardous fire outbreaks. If you are away from home during a cold season and your heating system stops working, it can freeze or burst your pipes, causing massive water damage.

If your unit malfunctions in the middle of the hot or cold season, extreme conditions can negatively impact your family members’ health. These conditions mainly affect younger children, the elderly, and people with compromised immunity. When you stick to a regular maintenance plan, one of our technicians will inspect the entire unit to identify and fix potential risks before they pose threats to your family. It also helps prevent any likelihood of floods, fires, or dangerous gas leaks.

6. Maintenance Helps Minimize Expensive Repairs

At one point, most HVAC units will require emergency services, especially during months of hard use. If you fail to clean and lubricate your HVAC system’s moving parts, they can cause a system failure. However, if you perform preventive maintenance at least twice a year, it helps you detect any minor issues before they escalate into major problems.

For instance, if you set your thermostat to a specific setting and the HVAC unit fails to respond, it could be that your thermostat needs new batteries or there is a significant problem within the system. When ignored, such an issue can lead to a pipe freezing and costly flooding that you could have avoided by calling in an experienced technician for repairs.

7. Enhanced Air Quality

Most people think that air pollution mainly happens outdoors due to congestion and industrial emissions, but indoor air is not as clean as we would wish to believe. Though you might not be aware, your house may contain dust, pollen, mold, and pet dander. Therefore, it is essential to have your HVAC unit serviced to improve its ability to filter out as many contaminants as possible. An improperly maintained HVAC unit with dirty filters is more likely to recirculate pollutants into your home. As a result, it might aggravate issues like asthma, chronic respiratory problems, and allergies.

8. You Will Have Peace of Mind

If you have a faulty HVAC unit, you will continuously worry about whether it will run through to the next season. However, if you plan for regular maintenance, it puts your mind at ease, knowing that your unit will operate properly. If you need a replacement, one of our technicians can suggest that you do it in advance before the cold or hot weather arrives. Again, throughout the maintenance process, you will get more familiar with your unit, so you can easily spot problems and call in a professional as soon as they arise.

Summing Up

You must have your HVAC system inspected and serviced at least twice a year just before regular use starts. Some people overlook the need to have tune-ups scheduled for their HVAC unit. Although it might seem like an extra expense, it will help you avoid costly repairs later on. If you need HVAC maintenance services, reach out to Reliable Ducts Heating & Cooling.

We offer various services to help homeowners in Jacksonville and the surrounding areas stay comfortable all year. You can depend on us for duct cleaning, repair, humidity control, UV lighting, and ventilation testing services. We also deal with heating systems and air conditioning installation, repair, and maintenance services. Call our friendly representatives today to schedule an appointment and enjoy our high-quality services.

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How Do You Replace an Air Filter in a Heat Pump?

To help save energy while still keeping your Jacksonville home comfortable, a heat pump makes a great option. Whether you’re just considering a heat pump for your home or you’ve just had a heat pump installed, it’s important to understand how to replace the air filter in your heat pump to ensure that you maintain the heat pump’s efficient operation. Fortunately, the designers of the heat pumps that we install at Reliable Ducts Heating and Cooling make it easy to replace your air filter at regular intervals. To learn more about this process, keep reading this guide on air filters for heat pumps.

How Often to Replace an Air Filter on a Heat Pump

The most important part of air filter replacement is frequency. If you don’t replace your filter often enough, you risk choking your heat pump due to a lack of air being sent through the air return. If you replace your filter too often, you’re simply throwing money away and harming the environment.

To find a healthy balance, it’s important to track your air filter’s progress when you first have a new heat pump installed. Check your filter at least once a week and take a picture of it to document how much dust it has collected. You can then compare these pictures to see how quickly your filter collects dust.

At Reliable Ducts Heating and Cooling, we recommend that you don’t go any longer than 90 days without replacing your home’s air filter. Of course, if your filter becomes saturated before that time, you should replace it sooner. If you aren’t home much or don’t need to operate your heat pump very often due to comfortable temperatures, you may be able to stretch an air filter past the 90-day mark.

How to Replace Your Heat Pump’s Air Filter

Before you replace your air filter, we at Reliable Ducts Heating and Cooling recommend that you make sure that your heat pump is turned off. After all, you don’t want unfiltered air pumping through your heat pump and ductwork.

Once that’s done, the first step in replacing your heat pump’s air filter is locating the air filter within your heat pump. Some heat pumps put the air filter in the air handler, while some put the filter in the return duct. Either way, there’s likely to be a small door that helps keep the filter in place. Open the latches on this door and swing it open.

Reach into the filter compartment and slowly slide the filter out. It’s a good idea to have a plastic trash bag waiting nearby so that you can slide the filter directly into the bag. This helps to keep the dust on the filter instead of allowing it to escape into the air. Replace the filter with a filter of the same size, making sure to orient the filter with the arrows on the filter facing in the direction that air flows through your system. Finally, close the filter compartment door, and then turn your system back on to make sure everything works properly.

How to Know When Your Filter Needs to Be Replaced

Beyond the time intervals mentioned above, there are a few things you should be on the lookout for that could indicate your air filter needs to be replaced.

First and foremost, if your system seems to be struggling to provide enough conditioned air to your home, always check the air filter before calling Reliable Ducts Heating and Cooling. If an air filter is saturated with dust, the lack of airflow could cause your system to work harder for longer to maintain your home’s temperature. If you run your system like this for extended periods, you could cause your system to fail.

Additionally, if you notice extra dust on surfaces in your home, it could be an indication that it’s time to replace your air filter. If there’s too much dust on the filter, any dust that comes into the filter chamber could bounce off the dust that’s already there and settle in your living space instead. To avoid excess dusting, it’s important to keep a clean air filter in place at all times.

How to Choose an Air Filter for Your Heat Pump

If you’ve ever gone shopping for air filters at your local big-box store, you’ve likely been overwhelmed by the number of options available. Fortunately, with these tips from Reliable Ducts Heating and Cooling, you’ll find that choosing an air filter isn’t as complicated as it seems. First, make sure that you choose the correct size. A filter that’s too small won’t effectively trap dust as it flows through your system.

Second, you’ll need to choose the MERV rating of your new filter. MERV stands for minimum efficiency reporting value and is a measure of the size of contaminants that a filter can capture. A filter with a higher MERV rating can capture smaller contaminants. Filters with ratings of five and above are typically sufficient to protect your system and keep the air in your home relatively clean. However, if you have family members with severe allergies, a MERV rating of 12 or above is recommended.

You can also choose between disposable or reusable filters. While reusable filters save money over the long run, disposable filters are much easier to change since you don’t have to clean them.

A Note About Air Purifiers

To help keep your home’s air as clean as possible, you may need more than a standard air filter. Instead, a whole-home air purifier from Reliable Ducts Heating and Cooling may be your best option. An air purifier combines the mechanical filtration offered by an air filter with the exceptional filtering capabilities of activated charcoal and UV light.

Combined, these filters remove a vast majority of the contaminants in your home’s air, including odor-causing substances and certain bacteria. If you find that your air filter becomes saturated quickly and you still have a dusty home, an air purifier may be able to provide some relief.

Other Heat Pump Maintenance

Replacing your air filter at the appropriate intervals is one of the best ways to take care of your heat pump to ensure that it lasts as long as expected. However, there is more that goes into heat pump maintenance than simply replacing the air filter.

Every six months or so, your heat pump needs to be checked by a professional technician from Reliable Ducts Heating and Cooling. The technician will check the refrigerant line for leaks, test all of the electrical components, lubricate any moving parts, and perform a complete system check to ensure that your system is operating properly. Even ground-source heat pumps, which tend to last far longer than air-source heat pumps, need this regular attention to maintain optimal efficiency.

Helping Your Heat Pump Last

At Reliable Ducts Heating and Cooling, we want to come alongside our customers to help them extend the life expectancy of their HVAC equipment. That’s why we offer maintenance and repairs for all types of heat pumps, furnaces, and air conditioners. When it does come time to install new equipment, we can take care of that, as well. Plus, we can install indoor air quality equipment so that you can breathe easily whenever you’re in your home. Our loyal customers consistently reward us with five-star reviews to thank us for our superb service. To learn more about maintaining your heat pump, contact us at Reliable Ducts Heating and Cooling today.

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What Are the Best Options for Heating a Finished Basement?

Whether it’s a game room, a home theater, or simply a space for extra bedrooms, a finished basement can quickly become one of the most valuable rooms in your home. Of course, if your basement is comfortable during Jacksonville’s changing seasons, that makes it even better. To maintain exceptional comfort during Jacksonville winters while achieving low utility costs, it’s important to consider all of your options when it comes to heating your basement. At Reliable Ducts Heating & Cooling, we want you to know that there are a variety of options available.

Radiant Heating

If you have hard-surface floors in your basement, one of the most unique options for heating your basement is radiant heating. Radiant heaters consist of a series of tubes that are filled with warm water. These tubes are laid underneath the flooring surface of the concrete subfloor. When you turn the system on, the water circulates around the tubes, resulting in an even temperature for the entire floor.

This heat then rises or radiates up from the floor to heat the entire room. One advantage of a radiant heating system from Reliable Ducts Heating & Cooling is it keeps your basement at a consistent temperature because it’s meant to be left on longer than a typical HVAC system. Plus, a radiant heating system often uses less energy than a traditional HVAC system, allowing you to save money on utility costs.

Baseboard Heating

Baseboard heating is another option for heating your space. This type of heating is produced near your floor. Although older baseboard heaters were notoriously inefficient and sometimes even dangerous, today’s baseboard heaters are designed to provide maximum heat using minimal energy.

Baseboard heaters are convenient because they don’t require any ductwork to operate. In fact, other than an electrical connection, they don’t require any modifications to your home’s existing structure. Plus, thanks to their efficiency, you don’t need a large baseboard heater, even in a large room. Therefore, baseboard heaters are largely unobtrusive so that you can maintain your decor theme without interruption.

The one drawback of baseboard heaters from Reliable Ducts Heating & Cooling is that they take a while to reach the desired temperature. Once they’re hot, though, they can stay hot for a long time, meaning that you can continue heating your basement without any energy input.

Space Heater

If you have a small area in your basement that you need to heat quickly, it’s hard to beat a space heater. Although a space heater is inefficient because it’s powered by electricity, you typically won’t have to run a space heater for very long to get a room nice and toasty.

Therefore, if you have family members living in the basement who want their room to be a little warmer before they fall asleep, a space heater makes a great option. You can also use a space heater as a transitional heating method to determine the optimal comfort levels for various areas in your basement. This determination will allow you to understand the most efficient heating methods to use in each area.

Ductless System

For a system that can provide both heating and cooling capabilities, a ductless mini-split system is worth considering. The small size and easy installation of ductless systems are two characteristics that make them appealing. Another key feature of ductless systems is their simple operation. Rather than using a complicated thermostat, a ductless system can be controlled using a basic remote control.

The significant air-moving capabilities of a ductless system from Reliable Ducts Heating & Cooling make it ideal for large basements. From a single source, you can heat the entire basement, allowing you to save on the costs of installing multiple smaller systems.

Plus, the heat that’s created by a ductless system is typically more economical than a standard furnace because a ductless system uses a heat pump to generate most of its heat. Thus, you can experience all the benefits of point-source heating in your basement while still saving on utility costs versus a comparable system.

Second System

If you’re like many homeowners, your basement wasn’t finished when you moved into your home. Thus, keeping your basement warm probably wasn’t a major concern for you. Now that you’re using your basement, though, the challenge of heating it efficiently has taken center stage. For many people, this is an ideal time to install a second HVAC system to separately heat and cool this additional space within your home.

Adding a second HVAC system ensures that you can achieve optimal comfort in your basement without over-exerting the HVAC system that you use in the rest of your home. Plus, since the second system from Reliable Ducts Heating & Cooling is devoted exclusively to your basement, you can take the time to properly size this system to provide the correct volume of conditioned air to space. What’s more, modern control interfaces allow you to control this second system from anywhere within your house.

Zoning Controls

In many cases, your home’s existing HVAC system may already have enough capacity to properly heat and cool your basement. The problem, then, is finding a way to efficiently deliver the conditioned air to where it’s needed. Fortunately, zoning controls from Reliable Ducts Heating & Cooling provide a solution to this problem.

Zoning controls work similarly to the hot and cold levers on a sink, as they open and close to allow the right mix of hot and cold air into a certain space to achieve the desired temperature. A thermostat in that specific room can tell the central system when changes need to be made and when the system needs to turn off and on.

With zoning controls in place, you will always be assured of the perfect temperature. Plus, since it makes more efficient use of your existing HVAC system, you will likely find that your utility bills decrease over time.


If you can add a chimney to your home, a fireplace makes a great way to keep your basement warm and add a homey touch to your space. While nothing beats the rustic charm of a wood-burning fireplace, a gas fireplace requires much less work and provides instant on and off heat that is like other types of heating solutions.

For a good compromise between a wood-burning and a gas fireplace, wood-pellet stoves provide a great option. These units use a fan to push warm air throughout the room, making them highly efficient while requiring less work than a traditional wood-burning stove. For an ultra-modern look, you can also opt for an electric fireplace that creates instant heat while projecting simulated flames for added ambiance.

Helping Make Your Home More Inviting

At Reliable Ducts Heating & Cooling our goal is to help make your home more comfortable. If you’re having trouble deciding on a heat source for your finished basement, we can help. Other services we provide include duct cleaning and repairs, UV lighting, humidity control, ventilation, and HVAC installation, repair, and maintenance. We’re available 24/7 for when the unexpected happens. Please give us a call today to schedule an appointment.

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